Embo Bros. causeway 79
Welcome to Shawnee Yacht Club

Since 1941, SYC has promoted sailing on Lake Shawnee for the recreational benefit of the local community. In addition to the opportunity to sail on beautiful Lake Shawnee, the club provides: free sailing lessons for those new to the sport, sailboats for members to use, a fenced boatyard with a boat ramp, several docks (provided by Parks and Rec), a storage shed for equipment, sailing activities, racing, and social gatherings.

Questions?  -  Come Join Us

Current News
One of Our Own in The Top 100
02 Mar 2025

Former Commodore and current SYC Resident Agent Eric Kjorlie was featured in the 2nd quarter 2023 Top 100 Lawyers publication. 

SYC Annual Business Meeting
28 Jan 2025

The SYC annual business meeting was held February 2nd at 2:00pm over Zoom. Following are some highlights:

  • Due to sparse attendance at this meeting, we decided to delay nominating and electing the 2025 Board of Governors. Instead, that will take place at a breakfast meeting for all club members at the clubhouse on Saturday, May 3rd. The Spring Work Party will follow that meeting.
  • Sailing lessons will be the same as last year, monthly sessions of 4 lessons each on Wednesday evenings scheduled through Parks & Rec. There will be sessions in June, July and August, but not in September.
  • There will be 3 socials over the sailing season: The Spring Breakfast on May 3rd, 4th of July, and a fall social on September 7th.
  • We will be working with Parks & Rec to improve the dock at the launch ramp to make it longer and move it to deeper water and closer to the launch ramp.
  • With the boatyard nearing capacity, we will be doing some reorganization of parking spots and possibly moving some boats to better utilize the space.

For SYC members only:

Five-Year Master Plan
20 Oct 2024

SYC has presented Parks and Recreation with a Five-Year Master Plan for improving our sailing facilities. The plan aims to increase sailing activity on Lake Shawnee and get SYC back on a more sustainable footing. We are currently negotiating with P+R staff for their support in moving forward with individual items in the plan. SYC's costs for some of these improvements will be substantial. Please consider making a contribution to help us with these facility improvements.


Topeka, Forbes Field
63°F - Overcast with Haze
SSW 15 G 24 mph
07:53 PM
Coming Events
  • 5/3, Spring Social, Breakfast, Elections, 9:00am, SYC
  • 5/3, Spring Work Day, 11:00am, SYC
  • 6/1, First Sun Racing & Group Sailing, 2:00pm-5:30pm, SYC
  • 6/4, First Wed Lessons & Group Sailing, 5:30 pm-Sunset, SYC
Mark's Racing Blog
MC Scow Invitational Regatta report
Just a quickie regatta report about the MC invitational regatta held last weekend at Lake Okoboji, and then some thoughts on what worked and what didn't.

The wind on Friday was, well, windy.  Saturday had no wind and was raining (no sailing) and Sunday had winds of 5-8 MPH.
We broke our goose neck before the first race and missed it and the second race.  Repaired in time for the third race we had a port start on the left end.  The recall was sounded and the VHF said recall so we turned back.  Some spectators informed us that it was not a general recall and the race was still on, so we resumed racing.  (The boat we beat at the start finished second.)  We had some other equipment issues with the port board being stuck up and finished near last.  Fourth race (first race Sunday) I snuck into the start line and stole someone's great start.  Fun!  Rounding 3rd-4th at all marks but finishing 7th.  Last race I knew my start was toast so I bailed out early.  Starting down the line taking a port tack into clear air (but not much velocity) I salvaged a mid fleet start.  Working the shifts, consolidating, and staying in the stronger wind, I was able to recover to finish 8th.  That is about where I expected to finish for the regatta, so I'm not too disappointed.

OK.  Here is what worked.  These are things you have to do.  1) Get clear air at the start, ASAP.  2) Stay in the dark water.  3) Sail on the tack with the advantageous angles against your competitors.  If in doubt of your advantage, be on the tack that will take you closer to the mark.  4) Consolidate any gains you may have before you loose your advantage.  5) Go low on the runs when you can.  6) Power up to slice thru the severe motor boat chop.

Here is what didn't work.  1) Tacking up the middle trying to play the angles against both sides.  I should have picked the side to attack that had the regatta leaders on it.  The fleet tends to split going upwind on a WL course with a mile beat on big water.  Go with the long tack or favored side and stick to it.  Don't be chasing from side to side.  2) I like to tack and then wait for the strong wind to come to me.  Bad move in light wind as the boat is slow and it may take a while for the wind to get to you.

Fun, fun!
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